Моя Каппадокийка в Средневековом Мире Тьмы, который водил https://vk.com/dshperling(Цуме) O cursed fate, how thou dost mock the fair And lay waste to lives with thy cruel snare! In Wallachia, a prince of noble birth, Whose daughter's fate was doomed from her birth. Her mother, on her deathbed, did confess To a priest, her daughter's True paternity pressed But the priest, a fool, did break the seal of trust And the prince's wrath fell on Lucia, most unjust. Cast out from home and all that she knew, Lucia found solace in the Church's pew. But 'twas there a vampire did see her fate And turned her, making her his dark mate. Yet, Lucia's heart was black as coal, Her thoughts filled with malice, hate and a goal. Revenge on those who'd wronged her so She made a deal with the devil below. Her soul now darkened by infernal might She rose to power, her vengeance taking flight. The Cappadocian clan did take her in But her heart was still full of sin. Lucia Jancu, a cursed child of fate Whose soul was lost to love and hate Her revenge, a bitter fruit to bear And her path, a dark descent to despair. #stablediffusion #aigenerated #aigeneratedart #ai #wod #vampire #cappadocian #necromancer #chaoticevil #oc #originalcharacter

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